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Team management

Team management in ReplyZen

Updated over 3 weeks ago

A team is a core organizational unit in ReplyZen that allows you to bring all your pages together under one unified management structure.

Team overview

  • Access the drop-down menu at the top to view and manage your teams

  • You can create multiple teams to organize different business areas

  • Each team can contain multiple Facebook and Instagram pages

Team creation and management

  1. Click on "Create a new team" from the drop-down menu

  2. Assigns an identifying name to the team

  3. Manage pages within the selected team

Tip: Create separate teams for different business areas or for different clients if you are, for example, an agency.

Invite members to your team

To add new members to your team on ReplyZen:

  1. Access the Settings section from the sidebar

  2. Select "Members" under the "Team" category.

  3. Click on the blue "Add Members" button

  4. Enter the email address of the person you want to invite

  5. If necessary, click "Add Another Email" to invite more people at once

  6. Confirm the invitation by clicking "Add Members"

Invitees will receive an email with a link to join the team, and you can track the status of invitations in the "Pending Invitations" tab.

Important notes

When you invite new members to your team on ReplyZen, there are two possible scenarios:

  • If the invited person does not yet have a ReplyZen account, he/she will first receive an email to complete the registration to the platform and then can join the team

  • If the person invited already has a ReplyZen account, they will receive a simple notification of an invitation to the team that they can accept directly

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